19 AUGUST 1911, Page 1

The rioting in Liverpool was resumed on Tuesday after- noon.

As fire prison vans containing arrested riotre.s were being driven from the Central Bridewell to Walton Gaol with an escort of Hussars and Scots Greys they were violently attacked with bricks, stones, and bottles by a mob which sought to rescue the prisoners. Some men broke through the police, shots were fired by the troops, and two men were killed and three wounded. The fury of the mob was shown by their actually stoning the driver of an ambulance. On the other hand two policemen rescued a rioter from drowning. On the same evening the four great railwaymen's societies met and decided to declare a general railway strike at the end of twenty-four hours unless the company would immediately meet representatives of these societies and negotiate the basis of settlement on the matters in dispute.