19 AUGUST 1911, page 2

Though The Strike Is Described As General And Thousands Of

men have already come out in the provinces-5,000 at Leeds alone and the bulk of the men at Crewe—it does not affect some of the southern lines at all, and others only partially.......

An Australian Correspondent Contributed To The Times Of...

some Australian analogies to the present strikes in England. He thinks that the object of such leaders as Mr. Ben Tillett and Mr. Tom Mann is to substitute the general strike......

A Telegram In Monday's Times Announced That Nearly All The

Nalissori have returned home. A characteristic administra- tive muddle seemed likely at one time to be the cause of fresh difficulties. It will be remembered that one of the......

The Time.; Of Monday Published From Its Berlin Corre-...

an interesting note on the rate of construction is German shipyards. The Cologne Gazette calls attention to the fact that the three sister battleships Ostfriesland," Helgo-......

On Wednesday Mr. Lloyd George Made A Statement In The

Commons on the threatened railway strike. He said the duty of the Government to the public was perfectly clear. They would have to protect the railways, whatever the coat might......

In The Commons On Thursday Sir Edward Grey Made A,

statement on the Anglo-Turkish negotiations in the Middle East. The negotiations aim at a settlement of all points its dispute: it is proposed by Great Britain that economic......

The Rioting In Liverpool Was Resumed On Tuesday After- Noon.

As fire prison vans containing arrested riotre.s were being driven from the Central Bridewell to Walton Gaol with an escort of Hussars and Scots Greys they were violently......

Mr. Tillett And Mr. Mann Not Long After Their Failure

dis- appeared from public view in Australia, rather like the French heroes who arise from time to time to direct a general strike and quickly pay the price of defeat and......

It Is Agreed In Paris And Berlin That The Conversations

about Morocco have again taken an unfavourable turn. This may mean merely that pessimism has succeeded optimism for no more definite reason than that a change of temperature was......