19 AUGUST 1911, Page 3

We regret to have to record the death of the

Bishop of Salisbury (Dr.John Wordsworth), w hich occurred onWednesday afternoon. He was in his sixty-eighth year, and had occupied the See since 1885. It is principally as a scholar and theo- logian that John Wordsworth was distinguished, and his eminence in the former capacity is illustrated by the fact that the Archbishops' reply to the Papal Bull Apostolicae Curae in 1896 is understood to have been composed by him. His theo- logical interests on one occasion at least somewhat misled his judgment, when, as is related in the Times, he delivered a sermon to an audience of schoolboys upon the subject of the relation of predictive prophecy to inspiration. His efficiency as a diocesan was, however, by no means impaired by these characteristics, and his distinction made him a worthy suc- cessor of Bishop Moberly. It will be remembered that both his father and his uncle were also Bishops.