19 DECEMBER 1914, Page 16


[To THE EDITOR OP THE "ErzczAToa."] Sin,—In your issue of December 12th there appears a letter headed "Recruiting in Scotland," which deals with "Glasgow alackers ' and their 'reasons' for not enlisting." One of the " reasons " given by a non-recruit is : " [In] good situation —will go if employer agrees to put elderly man in my place temporarily." This causes me to point out that if any one looks at the " Situations Vacant" columns in the London morning papers he will find that most of the situations adver- tised for men are, with odd exceptions, for young men, eighteen to thirty-five. Employers do not appear to want elderly men, even for temporary assistance, to take the place of those so urgently wanted at the front. I speak from, experience. I am a clerk, forty-nine years of age, and recently, have replied to many advertisements without eliciting a single reply. My age presumably is the drawback.—I am, Sir, &c.,

D. B.