19 MARCH 1910, Page 25

A Council of Social Welfare. By Thomas Hancock Nunn, M.A.

(Penny and Hull, Leman Street, E. ls. net.)—Mr. Nunn was one of the Commissioners who inquired into the working of the Poor Law. This "note" refers especially to activities in supplement of or substitution for Poor Law methods which have been at work at Hampstead. Here there has been a co-operation of " Churches, Charities, and Friendly Societies." The principles which have been followed, and the results attained, are well worth study. We cannot attempt an epitome of the exposition which this pamphlet supplies. Some details, however, of a form of help for which the Poor Law machinery is inadequate or worse may be given. This is rescue work. A fallen woman applying to the Union is almost certain to fall into further degradation. If she is to be helped, it must be on very different lines. Here is a summary of results. In 1905-8 eighty-six cases were dealt with (of these twenty-two are described as of "sub-normal intellect," and seven as "feeble- minded "). Twenty-one remain in the Institution. The rest are thus accounted for : doing well in service, &c., nineteen ; doing fairly, seventeen ; restored to family, twelve ; married, eight; dead, one ; unsatisfactory, eight. Of the same number taken into the Union and discharged in due course, the proportion in the last category would have been eighty rather than eight.