19 MAY 1917, Page 12


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Replying to your correspondent on the above subject, she will be able to get a leaflet about it from the National Canine Defence League, 27 Regent Street, London, if a stamped envelope is sent. Messrs. Spratt are now permitted to make a low-grade biscuit, according to a letter I had from them this week. Their address is 24 Fenelturch Street, E.C. I have been making porridge out of what are known as " fine sharps," and mixing it nth some biscuits I happen to have, which will, I hope, make them last till I get the new supply. The dogs eat it well. I hope the Dog Tax will be raised to X1 per dog, and applied to Ireland, and enforced. Any dog worth keeping is worth paying for.—I am, Broadteood Hall, Aston-on-Clun.