19 MAY 1917, page 17

The National Food Economy League Have Issued A New And

enlarged edition of their Handbook for . Housewives, How to Save Money in War Time, copies of which can be obtained at the offices of the League, 3 Woodstock Street, Oxford......

The Street Of Lnk. By H. Simonis. (cassell And Co.

7s. 6d. net.)— If any layman turns the pages of this gossipy book about Fleet Street and " the provinces," he will suggest as a motto for it the old music-hall refrain, "......

Napoleon And The Artiste. By Hama Grant. (grant Richards....

6d. net.)—Any book about Napoleon is bound to be interesting, more or less, and Mr. Grant's chapters on the great man's dealings with literature, the drama, art, music,......