19 MAY 1933, Page 3

The Churches and the Slums The appeal of the two

Archbishops, supported by the leaders of the Free Churches, should convince all who accept the name of Christian of the duty of carrying their principles into practice in the matter of housing. As ratepayers they can encourage their local authorities to prepare their slum clearance plans within the next few months. But much can be done also through the public utility housing societies, as the Archbishops wisely pointed out. Private persons who can afford to invest sums, small or large, in these societies at 3 per cent. will have the satisfaction of knowing that they are really helping their poorest fellow-citizens. The investment implies a sacrifice, as the interest is low and the shares are not easily negotiable. But any- one who knows the beneficent change wrought in St. Pancras, for example, by such societies will feel that the money is well spent. * *