19 MAY 1933, page 40

The Dunlop Meeting.

' The speeches of chairmen at the annual meetings of our big industrial concerns are read nowadays with unusual care with a view to gleaning the impressions of our leading......

De Beers.

It was announced last April that the De Beers Company was changing the date of its accounts to December 31st, and that explains why the report and accounts now presented merely......

Eagle Star.

I referred a fortnight ago to the excellent character of the report of the Eagle Star and British Dominions Insurance Company, and the favourable impression created by the......

Guardian Assurance.

The report recently published of the Guardian Assurance Company for 1932 was an excellent one, and at the recent annual meeting the Chairman, Colonel Hanbury, confirmed what was......

The Outlook.

Concerning the general trade outlook. Sir Eric Geddes filar be said to have displayed caution with an undercurrent of hopefulness, and some amusement has been occasioned by hi s......