1 FEBRUARY 1896, Page 1


THERE is no news from South Africa this week, and all discussion turns upon the course which Government will pursue as to Dr. Jameson, and the Chartered Company of South Africa. It appears to be decided that Dr. Jameson shall -be tried under the Foreign Enlistment Act, probably without a jury, and a Commissioner has been sent to South Africa to report upon the conduct of the South Africa Company's agents on the spot. A Commission or Committee will also investigate their position at home, and should its conclusions be adverse, either the Charter will be withdrawn, or, as is much more probable, the Colonial Office will be invested, as regards all Chartered Companies, with the powers which the old Board of Control possessed over the East India Com- pany. There are immense difficulties in the way of more decided action, owing to the property rights of the Company, for which, it is alleged, compensation must be granted. The only precedent is that of the East India Company when its trade was taken away, and that is not one that pleases the Exchequer.