1 FEBRUARY 1896, page 2

Mr. Chamberlain, In His Speech At The Annual Dinner Of

the Birmingham Jewellers' and Silversmiths' Association, made a noteworthy statement as to the Ishantee expedition. After declaring that we have relieved a vast population from......

Sir Henry Fowler Made A Good Speech On Monday To

his constituents in East Wolverhampton. Almost, we think, for the first time a Gladstonian statesman admitted frankly that "each party represents nearly half of the nation," and......

The Passage In Mr. Chamberlain's Speech Which Dealt With The

dispute with the United States, was conceived in the very best possible tone. It was firm, and yet entirely sympathetic to the feelings of America in regard to the Monroe......

Mr. Childera's Death On Wednesday Was Hardly A Political...

for since 1892 he had not taken any part in political life. But his was a figure of some importance during the whole of Mr. Gladstone's career as Prime Minister, with the......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer (sir Michael Hicks-...

a speech at Richmond, in Yorkshire, on Tuesday, in which he made several important disclosures. In the first place he said, with relation to the Venezuela dispute with the......

We Regret To Record The Death Of Mr. Alexander Macmillan,.

the head of the great publishing firm which bore his name. He had been failing for years from a kind of paralysis, and on Saturday he passed painlessly away. Possessed of......

Lord Leighton, The President Of The Royal Academy, Died On

Saturday at the age of sixty-five,—a loss to the country which is not to be repaired. He belonged to a type of which the mould seems to be broken. Artist, orator, courtier, man......

The Duke Of Bedford Is Signalising His Early Political...

by taking a very emphatic line against any intervention for Armenia. He spoke at the Bedford Corn Exchange on Tuesday, as he wrote two or three weeks ago, in strong dis-......