1 FEBRUARY 1952, Page 15


The Creed of the Church

SIR,—May I venture to supplement the Rector of Wotton's letter in your issue of January 25th? I have placed for use in our parish church copies of The Shorter Prayer Book (third impression, published by the University Presses of Oxford and Cambridge and Eyre and Spottis- woode, with a preface by the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1948). This book was prepared and edited by a group of Bishops in consultation with their fellow Bishops. It is a simplified Book ot CO:71171On Prayer with, an explanatory preface, additional prayers, revised rubrics and many omissions; a very useful, simple, practical book of public worship There were objections, legal and technical, to the action of the Bishops, but what they did in this matter has been highly valued.

Could not the Bishops treat the problem of the creeds and their liturgical use in a new edition of The Shorter Book? What we need is:-

(i) Voluntary alternative creeds and confessions of faith and practice.

(ii) An accurate re-translation of the Nicene Creed for use at • Holy Communion.

(iii) Revised rubrics dealing with the liturgical use of the creeds.

Vicar of Merton, Oxon.