1 FEBRUARY 1952, page 5

No One Who Travelled In France Or Switzerland Last Summer

can have any illusion about the effect the reduction of the tourist allowance to £25—for the whole year—will have. It must virtually ban Britons from holidays in those......

Arising Out Of A Paragraph In This Column Two Sixth

form boys, one in the London region, one in Yorkshire, have been good enough to send me details of their school day. There is no space to reproduce them in full here, but there......

One Of My Old Acquaintances, I Can Hardly Go So

far as to call it friend, the Academie Internationale, has raised its half-forgotten head again, this time in a severely Anglo- Saxon guise as the International Academy, with,......

Everyone Who Knows Mr. Vincent Massey Will Recognise The...

of his choice as Governor-General of Canada once it was decided by the Canadian Government that the post should be held by a Canadian. Mr. Massey may fairly be regarded as the......

Second Slash

T HE chill that settled on the House of Commons on Tuesday as the Chancellor of the Exchequer worked through his second list of measures to cope with the financial crisis was......

A Spectator's Notebook

T HE appointment of Lord Alexander as Minister of Defence seems likely to cause some party controversy, in spite of the obvious qualifications of the late Governor-General of......

Butler Scares The Burglars—news Chronicle Headline.

And much more respectable people too. JANUS......