1 JUNE 1912, Page 17


[To THE EDITOR OP TUE "SPECTATOR."] 8111,—r should be very grateful to you if you would again find room in your columns for an appeal on behalf of the Naples Society for the Protection of Animals. The work done by our inspectors in Naples and its surroundings last year was as follows :—

Extra animals were attached to 29,667 carts and the load of 2,792 others was diminished ; 45,598 persons wore made to alight from overloaded vehicles, 15,007 carts were properly balanced, and :11,153 sticks, 509 nippers applied to nostrils of oxen, and 116 spiked bits were confiscated, besides many other instruments of torture.

There were 6,000 prosecutions and 2,861 animals were humanely destroyed in lethal chambers at the Society's office or by its agents at the Municipal Dogs' Dep6t, whilst 16,855 animals—calves, lambs, goals, pigs, and fowls—were fed in transit or in other ways assisted by our inspectors.

It will be seen from this account that the Society accomplished much during last year, but more could be done if we had more means at our disposal, and I earnestly appeal to all lovers of animals to enable us, by their generosity, not only to continuo, but to increase our work.

. Subscriptions and donations will be thankfully received and promptly acknowledged by Mr. Percy Carew Essex (Hon. Secretary and Treasurer in England), 26 Charles Street, St. James's, London, S.W. ; by Mr. C. Calvello (Director), 2 Via Vittoria, Naples ; or by myself at 7 Chiatamone, Naples.—I am, Sir, &c., E. L. M. (Princess) MILE BARRIE (nee Mackworth-Praed), President of the Naples Society for the Protection of Animals, Naples, May 21st, 1912.