1 JUNE 1912, page 14

The Effects Of Disestablishment.

[TO THE EDITOR Or TRIO " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Will you permit me to reply to the question which "A Liberal Nonconformist" asks in his letter which I have read in the Spectator of......

The Home Rule Bill : Recruiting In Ireland.

pro TDB EDITOR or TEE " ISPEOTATOB."1 SIR,—Mr. Asquith's appeal in introducing this measure was for those "who have borne and are bearing their share—and a noble share it has......

The Home Rule Bill And The Irish.

[TO TEE EDITOR OF 5115 "SPRCTATOR.".1 Sin,—Among the consequences of the Parliament Act which have probably not been foreseen is the difficulty placed in the way of the House of......

The Proposed Alliance.

[TO TEE EDITOR OP TEE " SPRCTATOR.1 SIR, —May I venture to utter a most earnest protest against the idea of a definite alliance with France on the lines sug- gested by you P It......

Goethe And The Panama Canal. [to Tee Editor 01 Tee

"SrscuTon."1 SIR,—In Oxenford's translation of the third volume of Eekermann's Conversations with Goethe (published 1148), compiled from Eckermann's own notes and from another......