1 JUNE 1912, Page 24

Messrs. A. and C. Black send us some Geographical Pictures

in which we have represented various processes described as "Sculpture of the Earth's Crust," such as weathering of the surface through various agencies, e.g., rain, heat, frost, and vegetable growths, and the effects of ground waters, &o. The illustrations are from photographs; the accompanying explanation by S. M. Nicholls, M.A. (0c1.).--Along with these may be mentioned, coming from the same publishers, The Children's World (1s. 6d.), by S. Shenessey, with sixty-two illustrations, more than half of them being in colour. The child is taken over the world, sees the desert, the Arctic regions, the land of the Red Man, and other places, and learns much about the inhabitants of these places.