1 JUNE 1912, Page 24

Messrs. E. J. Burrow and Co. are publishing a quite

remarkable series, or, to speak more exactly, throe series, of " Guides " in Abbey Guides, Cathedral Guides, and Large Parish Church Guides. Specimens of those are before us, and certainly worthy in view of their serviceable character and the very low price at which they are published—one penny. The first a the Abbeys is Tewkesbury (the Notes for the pamphlet have been supplied by Dr. Spence-Jones, Doan of Gloucester). First we have the arrangements for visitors, then a brief sketch of the history of the building, then its prominent features (with illustrations), chapels, tombs, "cloisters, &c. A table of dates follows ; a list of the Abbots, various details of the buildings and a ground plan. (The second in the series is Tintern Abbey, as ruined buildings are included.) The description given above applies more or less exactly to all three publications. We sincerely hope that the enterprise of the publishers in bringing out these really admirable " guides " may be suitably rewarded.