1 JUNE 1929, Page 2

The Civil War in China We have written elsewhere on

the new aspect. of the civil war in . China. The , Peking correspondent of the Times in Wednesday's paper says that Feng Yu-hsiang is believed to have with him many official agents of the Soviet ' Government, including General Galents as his principal military adviser. The real name of General Galents is Blucher. He organized the Kuomintang armies in China, Borodin being the political adviser. If the present report is true it does not follow that Feng is committed to Bolshevism. General Galents is known to be an adventurer, but it is not known that he is a Bolshevist. Probably he is not. Feng has undoubtedly from time to time accepted much help from Moscow, but we doubt whether there could be any permanent union between a Chinese—the Chinese being the greatest respecters of tradition in the world--and a _Government whose principles are based on the necessity of smashing tradition.