1 MARCH 1884, Page 3

Mr. E. Stanhope, in an extremely temperate and reasonable speech,

raised on Friday week the whole question of Merv, and was assured by Sir C. Dilke that Her Majesty's Government were negotiating with St. Petersburg, that they dreaded con- tact between Russia and territory under British influence, and that they had recently renewed their assurances of protection to the Ameer of Afghanistan. They regard Afghanistan "as an advanced post of this country," and have recently taken posses- sion of Qnettab, thus controlling the entire Bolan Pass. It was subsequently explained that orders had been issued to continue the railway through that Pass from Sibi to Quettah ; and it is, we also understand, intended to maintain an experienced officer in Herat. These precautions are all wise, as defences against surprise; but we still maintain that if Russia ever addresses any serious menace to India, we shall fight her in the Black Sea, rather than in Afghanistan. We must, if driven to it, wage an offensive, not a defensive war.