1 MARCH 1924, Page 2

The dock strike is. happily settled. The terms accepted by

the men were (1) an increase of wages by 2s. a day, ls. to be payable immediately, and the second from June 1st. This was instead of 2s. immediately as was. originally demanded. (2) A joint inquiry into the problem of decasualization. The dockers' delegates who came to London from the various ports to consider the terms were at first inclined to be very critical, but after a discussion Mr. Bevin convinced them that the victory was one to be accepted with genuine satisfaction. Acceptance was therefore recom- mended at all the ports, and on Sunday the settlement was sanctioned. Work was resumed on Tuesday. The stevedores and lightermen, of the Port of London held out till Wednesday, when they also accepted the terms. There seems to be no longer any excuse for the rivalry between their Union and the Transport and General Workers' Union. * * **