1 MARCH 1924, page 15

Analysis Of The Labour Party.

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] regret that Mr. Emanuel should feel hurt. Far be it from me to class patriotic English Jews with foreigners ; but are not the Jewish Labour......

Extracts From Letters.

THE OMNIBUS STRIKE AND HOUSING.—MIS. Gilchrist- Thompson, of Hayes Rectory, Kent, writes : " The late omnibus strike was closely connected with the ever present and menacing......


NOCTURNE. SEE how the dying west puts forth her song, Soft stars for requiem, hung bosom-low, Riding like sorrow as day breathes her last With deep-drawn sigh. The wintry Hunter......

" The. Tired. Aunt And The Cursing Niece."

[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Here is a. story conveyed to me by a friend. Whether fact, fiction, or ben trovato, it is certainly an excellent example of the way in......