1 MAY 1971, Page 5

Never apologise, only explain

am sometimes rebuked by friends and readers for harping on too much about the Common Market. I do not apologise. British policy towards Europe was disastrous be- tween 1911 and 1914, and between 1933 and 1939. For a third time, from 1958 until the present, we have pursued a European policy which threatens us with a third, and this time final, disaster. I an, not at all impressed with the remarks of Sir Tufton Beamisb to the effect that if we don't like it in Europe, we will always be able to get out again. Such talk is disingenuous rubbish. The policy at present being pursued, against the will of the people, is irrevocable. If Mr Heath does not come to his considerable senses and stop before it is too late, he will have to be re- moved from office. This will be a pity for the party and the country. But it will not be an irrevocable disaster for either. only for Mr Heath.