1 MAY 1971, page 20

No. 645. The Winners

Charles Seaton reports: A recent 'situations vacant' advertisement in the Daily Telegraph ran: 'PAPER BAG TACKLER required. Experience with Chadwicks or B/F essential.'......

Solution To Crossword No. 1477. Across: 1 Dunmow Flitch 9

Summing up 10 Moral 11 Endear 12 Proclaim 13 Topics 15 Barathea 18 Farmyard 19 Alarum 21 Embodied 23 Egress 26 Colon 27 Exact time 28 Petty larceny. Down : 1 Dessert 2 Named 3......

Prize Crossword

No. 1479 DAEDALUS A prize of £3 will be awarded for the first cor- rect solution opened on 10 May. Address solu- tions: Crossword 1479, The Spectator, 99 Gower Street, London......


No. 648: The meanest flower Set by E. 0. Parrott: The garden season is on us. and doubtless the Chelsea show will give us many more new varieties of flowers, fruit and......