1 OCTOBER 1910, Page 18



["So that the Night Watch of Byddyscloill shall join tho Night Watch of Tyndaill at the Stoneyford."—Leges Marchiarunt.]

First Watchman.

0 WATCHER at the ford, your streams run low, Did any rider cross ? Did any go Your, way beneath the moon ?

Second Watchman.

The moon is young. I saw the crescent stoop Till imaged in the pool her silver loop ; No more—she set too soon.

First Watchman.

O Watcher, heard you at the strait no sound Of feet that stumbled on the stony ground, Where one might take the hill*?

Second Watchman.

I heard the water wash among the weeds, A hunting otter rustled in the reeds ; Naught else—the night was still.

First Watchman.

The night was still. I rode beside the stream.

Heard you no cry P I saw a lanthorn gleam. For what searched you the wood?

Second Watchman.

There screamed some vermin tangled in a snare, It was a thieving fox that I found there, And flung him to the flood.

First Watchman.

0 Watcher, where you marked the drift-wood ride. The flood, saw you naught else go down the tide ? At dawn the spate rose high.

Second Watchman.

Above this ford yon know the haughs are green

And many cattle graze. I may have seen

A foundered steer go by.