1 OCTOBER 1910, page 23

British Power On The Continent.* There Is A Very Great

difference between Frenchmen and Englishmen when they engage in speculation. The French- man is without embarrassment ; he is positive even when Ire is fanciful, and, having......

A Book About China.*

WE have failed to find much about the " marvel and mystery" of China in this volume ; but the failure has not hindered our enjoyment of it. Mr. Liddell went out to paint......

Dr. Forbes Winslow's Experiences.f. Dr. Founss Winslow...

well, we think, to , keep silence about the family quarrel which he relates at length. Such statements are justified when a man has to defend himself from unmerited obloquy. We......

Britain In Africa.t Tan National Society Are Doing A Good

work in bringing out the handsome and comprehensive guide to the British Empire of which this volume is the first instalment. In writing Imperial history it is difficult to......

Westminster Sermons.*

Dn. HENSLEY HENSON'S sermons are always interesting. A moment's reflection will turn this commonplace sentence into great praise. Interestinguess is the quality which the great......