1 OCTOBER 1910, Page 24

RKADABI.S NOVELS.—The Fortune Hunters, and other Stories. By Violet Jacob.

(John Murray. 6s.)—The most important story is that which gives a name to the volume. Of the rest, we prefer "The Lights of Jerusalem"; but all are worth reading.— Queen Sheba's Bing. By H. Rider Haggard. (Eveleigh Nash. 6s.)—Mr. Rider Haggard's foot is on his native heath and he is quite himself. How he must have enjoyed writing of the Abati, who trust in their natural position, will not learn soldiering, and are wiped out. —Sport of Gods. By H. Vaughan-Sawyer (Mills and Boon. 6s.)—A fine story of love and war, with a skilful mixture of telepathy. Brown, the English officer, and Hukum Singh, the Sikh, are quite admirable.