1 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 1

The enemy expected the main Italian attack on the Cargo,

between Gorizia and the sea. Here they massed their best troops. They failed to hold the Selo petitions, north-west of Herm iota, but their lines are naturally so formidable that the Italian Third Army has as yet made no further progress. The Canso attack, however, contributed to the victory of Bainsizza, where the enemy were taken by surprise. A Bersaglieri division, with some Alpini, stormed the Ariuza heights north of Casale, broke right through the Austrian lines on their northern flank, and, being promptly sup- ported, compelled the enemy to beat a general retreat. The pressure on Gorizia is now relieved, and General Cadmus may bo able to develop his attack on the Caren from the north as well as the west. But operations in this ruggai ca in try are very diFfiollt, and we must wait for the full consequences of a battle that has proved to be one of the greatest and most dramatic victories of the war.