1 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 13



you grant me the opportunity of making a suggestion to people through your columns? There seems to be no doubt that several cases of illness have occurred recently which are traceable to digestive disorder. There is no doubt that, in spite of reports made by Government Selected Committees, much of the so-called war bread is dangerous to a delicate constitution. Theoretically, it is no doubt excellent. Practically, it is often disastrous. We are a long-suffering people, and if war conditions make it necessary that we should submit to any kind of food set before us, we will submit, and not complain. But I do not believe such to be the case to-day. War bread need not be more indigestible than indifferent chicken-food. May I suggest that it should be permitted to doctors to give a certificate to anybody whose constitution cannot endure tricks being played upon it, whereby wholesome flour could be procured, or, better still, whole- some bread? Those whose stomachs ears last out need not apply. I write on behalf of many who have done their best and are now

suffering.—I am, Sir, Sc., E. H. V. [Doctors are allowed to order white breed for their patients when they consider it necessary.—Eo. Spectator.]