1 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 2

Herr Isfichaelis on Saturday last explained to the Reichtitag Committee

his scheme for " co-operation between the leaders of the Empire and the great 'parties." Besides appointing-two or three Deputies—who will vacate their seats—to unimportant offices, the Chancellor bee set up a "free Committee " to deal with " defined single questions " 0116 as the German reply to the Pope's Note on peace. The "free Committee" will 'consist of seven Deputies—two Clericals, two Socialists, one Conservative, one National Liberal, and one Progressive—with seven of the Govern- ment nominees in the Federal Council and the Chancellor as 'Chair- man. The Clerical-Socialist-Progressive majority is the Reichstag will thus have five members out of fifteen on the ".free Committee," which willhe free only in name from Government dictation. Hoer Michaelis expressed the-hope that " with appropriate control" the Committee would have valuable results.