1 SEPTEMBER 1917, Page 21

• The Gossip Shop. By J. E. Buckrose. (Hodder and

Stoughton. Is. net.)—There is no sort of doubt that Griselda, Chubb's calthorse, fulfils the dignified till of the heroine of this novel. Neither Maurice Unwin, the misunderstood hero, nor the charming Paulin° is in it with this elderly Rosinante whose kidnapping forma the first chapter of the story. The account of The Pageant of the White Bisons, in which Chubb himself rides triumphant on tile back of Griselda, is a useful antidote to war worry ; and the rescue of hero and heroine from their imprisonment in the lonely church, with Chubb, Griselda, and the orb as joint chaperons, is a delightful piece of comedy. The author, however, cannot be acquitted of the accusation of having written a novel with a purpose, the poisonous effects of gossip in a small country town being the motive of the story. Still, there is a great deal of jam to the powder, and the book is a charming example of Mr. Buckrose's delicate hutD3ur.

READABLE NovELS.—The Man from Egypt. By Hendon Hill. (Ward, Lock, and Co. 5a. ne,.)--This is a murder story, but the reader will have a pleasing doubt till quite half-way through tho book as to whether the victim was really mardered or is living it hidden life all the time.—The Golden Triangle. (loll.) By Maurice Leblanc. Translated by Alexander Teixeira do Matto. (Hurst end Illselcotd. CA.)—A translation of a now ArsOnv Lupin story. It must bo acknowledged that the book is mere entertaining before Arsenio Lupin appears like a gal out of the machine to smooth all difficulties in almost too easy a manner.—The Road to Understanding. By Eleanor H. Porter. (Constable and Co. Is.) —An American story of an imprudent marriage, the uncomfortable

consequences of w•hioh are fa• more entertaining reading than rims