1 SEPTEMBER 1923, Page 1

The ultimatum demands that the Greek Government shall offer a

full apology to the Italian Minister at Athens ; that a solemn funeral ceremony shall be held in the Roman Catholic Cathedral in Athens, at which all members of the Greek Government must be present ; that the Greek Fleet, in its own harbour of the Pincus, is to salute an Italian Naval Division, during which ceremony the Greek ships shall fly the Italian flag ; that an exhaustive inquiry Shall be held by the Greek Government on the scene of the murders, in the presence of the Italian Military Attache, within five days of the receipt of the Italian Note ; that those who are found guilty are to be executed ; and that an indemnity of 2500,000 shall be paid within five days. The Greek Government mean- while express their belief that General Tellini and his colleagues were murdered by Albanians. The Scene of the murder. was only three miles from the Albanian frontier and it was known that General Tellini had. become an object of dislike among Albanians owing to his schemes for the Italian absorption of Albania. The Greek Government further say that though they are willing to express regret and compensate the bereaved families they cannot accept "humiliating conditions."