1 SEPTEMBER 1923, page 3

Look At The Situation. The Supporters Of French Policy Here

do not agree very well among them- selves, and the so-called Die-Hard- movement for weakening Mr. Baldwin's hands is, as a matter of fact, dying very easily-. Public opinion,......

The Season-ticket Holders On The Railways Are Taking The...

against the proposal that the price of season tickets should be further increased. Their resentment is to be measured by their disappointment because they had hoped that the......

We Greatly Regret That Mr. Mckenna Is Not To Join

the Government, for not only would he have brought strength to them, but his inclusion would have sym- bolized the broad basis upon which they stand. The appointments which have......

On Monday The Ministry Of Health Addressed A Circular To

the local authorities on the subject of cancer. As the circular contains the combined knowledge and opinions of the Medical Research Council and the various cancer research......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent., Changed From 8 Per Cent.

July 5, 1928; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 1O2i; Thursday week, 10111; a year ago, 99?........

Mr. Neville Chamberlain Has Been Appointed Chan- Cellor...

Exchequer, and Sir William Joynson-Hicks has succeeded Mr. Chamberlain as Minister of Health. The papers of Tuesday printed a letter from Mr. McKenna to Mr. Baldwin, which......

Sir William Acworth's Scheme, However, Raises The Hope...

Austrian railways will soon share in the general financial recovery. He proposes that they should be managed on commercial lines under a Board ; of Directors, instead of by a......