1 SEPTEMBER 1923, Page 13


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sin,—The Board of Management are convinced that were it not for the large amount of resident accommodation that the London Lock Hospital and Home can provide, the physical and moral evil resulting from Venereal Disease would be much greater than it now is. It cannot be too clearly emphasized that the extended facilities now provided at various centres arc chiefly in the form of out-patient treat- ment for syphilis and gonorrhoea in the early and communi- cable stages only ; whereas, by the facilities provided at this old-established Institution (it was founded in 1746) those seeking relief from the terrible scourges of syphilis and gonorrhoea are by the fact of their admission to residence in the Hospital and Home brought directly under the regular and daily observation of the Medical Staff, to their much greater advantage. And last, but not least, the period of their residence is used as a means of bringing to bear upon them strong religious and moral influences. Classes are held daily to interest and elevate the patients, and they are led to centre their thoughts upon the present, rather than to brood over the past, and to look forward hopefully to recovery of health and to a good and useful life. Our special needs at the present time are : to clear off two deficits, viz. (1) the debt OR the Training Home account of 26,414 ; (2) the over- draft on the Building Fund of 22,273 17s. 8d.—I am, Sir, &c., [This ancient hospital with the interesting name has always set a fine example of sympathy, common sense, optimism and energy—all invaluable qualities—and it would be a great social as well as a medical disadvantage if its work had in any way to be restricted.—En. Spectator.]