1 SEPTEMBER 1928, Page 15

A GERMAN HOUSE IN IRELAND [To the Editor of the


Sia,—As .one who has just returned from a short holiday in Killarney, I feel I must criticize your " Dublin Correspon- dent's " letter in your issue of August 4th. He mentions, when writing of the " many signs of German enterprise in the country," " a spacious, handsome building " which has been imported from Hamburg and " now stands beside the Kenmore road, the admiration of all."

This building, not unlike a highly coloured doll's house, would possibly be suited to a suburban town, but it becomes repulsive in such glorious surroundings. It does nit tone with the environment, and it disfigures the wonderful country- side of " Beauty's Home." Far from being the " admiration of all," as your correspondent suggests, the local residents do not appreciate it. Any jaunting-car driver will point it out to you on the road to Muckross, and scornfully state that " it is a house brought over from Germany." He will not tell you what he thinks about it, unless you press him, but he leaves you to form your own opinion from its ugly shape and multi-coloured finish.—I am, Sir, &c.,