1 SEPTEMBER 1928, page 15

A German House In Ireland [to The Editor Of The

SPECTATOR.] Sia,—As .one who has just returned from a short holiday in Killarney, I feel I must criticize your " Dublin Correspon- dent's " letter in your issue of August 4th.......

Questions At Breakfast

WilEx little Jan was five years old She fixed me with a thoughtful eye Above her Quaker oats, And, while her food was getting cold, She asked, and waited my reply : " Why are......

Points From Letters Cheyne."

In reply to Mr. A. G. Mullins, Cheyne Walk takes its name from Chayney, the one-time owner of the property thereabout. It retains the phonetic pronunciation of Chayney. There......

Rural Housing In Scotland [to The Editor Of The Spectator.]

Sm,—I cannot claim a long, intimate knowledge of farm cottages in Dumfriesshire such as your correspondent, Mr, Dinwiddie, has, but I live in one. • It does not differ in any......

Cetera Desunt [to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sir -...

letter on this subject, though apparently, as you point out, an appeal for even more money, is at least deserving of consideration ; and as Hon. Sec. of an Association that has......

Lighter Lyrics

The Strike SMALL Chloe heard her Mummy say, " Now, Nurse, be careful of the light ! This dreadful strike has come to stay And we must save both day and night. Turn down the......