20 APRIL 1907, Page 1

The King and Queen, accompanied by Princess Victoria, arrived at

Malta last Saturday on board the 'Victoria and Albert.' Their Majesties were received by the Governor, Sir

Charles Mansfield Clarke, and then drove to the Palace. No troops lined the streets, which were thronged by the enthusiastic inhabitants. While the King was inspecting the Royal Malta Artillery the afpw4 buret though &lle lino of the guard waving their hate and cheering. On leaving the Palace the King and Queen drove to Admiralty House, and were received by Admiral Sir Charles Drury. In the evening there was a dinner on board the Admiralty yacht 'Enchantress.' On Sunday afternoon the King and Queen drove to San Antonio, and in the evening the King gave a dinner on board the Royal yacht. On Monday morning the Naval Brigade was reviewed, and afterwards the King unveiled a statue of the late Sir Adrian Dingli, sometime Chief Justice of the island. On Tuesday morning there was a military parade. The King bad luncheon with the officers of the Malta Militia, and was afterwards photographed with them. Every evening the fleet and the Royal yacht were illuminated. The weather was splendid. Only those who know Malta can realise how exquisitely the odd mixture of Europe, Asia, and Africa in the island lends itself to the gaiety of such happy occa- sions. The Royal yacht left for Naples on Wednesday morning.