20 APRIL 1907, page 18

The Sleep That Knows No Morn. [to The Narroa Op

TEE . SPEOTATOB.1 SIEr• j rhe " haunting lines" you quote in the Spectator of April 6th, p. 527, from Catullus have, I think, never been satisfactorily rendered into English. I......

Dies The Day, The Next Is Born. But When Once

our short-lived light Dies away, one long, long night We must sleep, that knows no morn.......

The Changelessness Of Character.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE . 5PEOPAT014.1 Sra,—Your impressive article in the issue of April 6th on "The Changelessness of Character" seems partial in its promisees, and consequently......

The Late Rev. Wentworth Webster. As Ma Eorros Or The

“Sraurma."] Sut,—The death of the Rev. Wentworth Webster on April 2nd removes the oldest and most influential of Spanish aoholars. He graduated from Lincoln College, Oxford, in......

Mark Twain On Christian Science.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE &EDT/MOE:9 SPEr■-•While sympathising with the writer of the review of Mark Twain's book on Christian Science in your issue of April 6th in his regret at......

Cotton Trade Profits.

Ire rllIl ND1TOR Or Tat SPACTrATOR.'f Sut,—In your last issue there appears a letter from Mr. William Tattersall with the above heading. This letter is likely to convey a quite......


(To TER EDITOR or rum .arromma.9 Sne,-11., connexion with instances of longevity, it is worthy of notice that at King's College, Cambridge, there have been, since the year 1743,......