20 APRIL 1929, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

was very glad indeed to read Mr. Hall Caine's letter in your impression of March 30th, and I cordially endorse the views to which he gave expression in relation to contracts for development schemes in Jugoslavia.

I have had the opportunity some years ago of making an exhaustive examination of the natural resources and economic possibilities of this vast country, and I am satisfied that, with settled government and continuity of sound economic policy, there is an immense field for the investment of British capital with corresponding advantage to British productive industry. The suspension of political strife and the establish- ment of a strong central Government will undoubtedly enable the thoughtful and progressive business men in all the com- ponent States to throw their energies into industrial and agricultural schemes, which should have far-reaching beneficent results.

To some extent America had established a stranglehold on Jugoslavian finance, but this embarrassing position is now being substantially relieved, and I understand adequate security can be made available for the British investor or the British contractor who undertakes to supply all-material for the many projects which have been in contemplation for so long.—I am,