20 APRIL 1929, page 53

You Are A Man Of Your Word, And I Have

a strong brotherly feeling towards you for your exceptional kindness. Wishing you every success.......

Studies In Bowls

T I IIS silver Porringer, or Bowl, Caudle Cup and Cover, call it what you will. realised £28 per oz., or £1,729. on the Thursday before Good Friday, the buyer being Mr. S. H.......


Dear Sir,—In acknowledging your letter of the 5th, together with cheque for £369 1 Is. 8d., I desire to thank you very much for the highly satisfactory result of the disposal of......

A Few Striking Tributes: Edinburgh (10/4/29).

Dear Sir,—I thank you for cheque and en- closures. I would like to add my appreciation of the way you have conducted my business, and also of the prices you have obtained for......