20 APRIL 1929, Page 32


During the past week the following donations have reached us which are gratefully acknowledged below. Our aim has now been achieved, in that we have provided for the immediate needs of Aberdare. The total amount received is £12,391 Is. 8d. The Fund is now closed.

Capt. K Knollys, £5.

We publish below the sixteenth list of subscribers who hat4 responded to the invitation to pro 'vide a weekly sum for one or more of the 1,500 necessitous families in Aberdare for a certain period.

W. A. Whyte, £13. Mrs. L. C. Fagan, £2. Rev. Verner A. Stewart, £1. Misses M. and F. M. Campbell, £1.

Readers still wishing to send Clothing and other Gifts in kind to Aberdare are requested to forward than direct to the Hon. Secretary, Aberdare Service Committee, Town Hall, Aberdare, and NOT to the SPECTATOR office.