20 APRIL 1934, Page 6


LORD TYRRELL has been, since Last Monday, a private citizen, after being for something like twenty years one of the major influences in the shaping of British foreign policy. He was intimately associated, as private secretary, with Lord Grey from 1907 to 1915, but it was when running in double harness with Sir Eyre Crowe (a uniformly harmonious partnership) from 1919 to 1925, and then holding the chief permanent position at the Foreign Office for another three years, that he made his views most constantly and effectively felt. His health is not all it might be, but Lord Tyrrell is still two years under seventy, and it may be taken as certain that both Foreign Secretaries and the Foreign Office personnel will continue to draw informally on his unrivalled knowledge and experience. We have other. retired Ambassadors, like Lord D'Abernon and Lord Howard of Penrith, but since Lord Carnock's death there has been no diplomat emeritus with an acquaintance with British foreign policy comparable in intimacy or extent with Lord Tyrrell's.