20 APRIL 1934, page 3

German Factories In England The Statement That Eighteen...

-have been authorized by the German Government to open factories in England seems to have caused unnecessary uneasiness to certain Members of Parliament. Some time ago Mr.......

The Week In Parliament Our Parliamentary Correspondent...

Budget and his speech made an over- whelmingly favourable impression upon the House of Commons. In form, it was marked by frankness without frills. In substance it gave what......

Soldiers And Communists The Incitement To Disaffection...

measure which savours rather of Southern Irish than of British politics. If militant Communism were seriously increasing, if mutiny and widespread insurrection were in the air......

Cold Coinfort For Durham The Prime Minister Gave An...

disappointing reply to a question in the House about unemployment in the distressed areas of Durham. His answer was the conventional one that the Government's policy aimed at......

" Rodeo " To Be Stopped There Was Not A

single voice raised in the House of Commons against the main purpose of Sir R. Gower's Protection of Animals Bill, which is intended to prevent a repetition of the abominable......

South American Quarrels No One Is Paying Much Attention To

the fighting between Bolivia and Paraguay in the Gran Chaco, but it has broken out on a considerable scale, and the League of Nations' endeavours to secure first an - armistice......

The Other Event Of The Week Was Mr. Churchill's Savage

attack upon Sir Samuel Hoare and Lord Derby. "At last," he seemed to say, " I have found substantial artillery for my assault on your India Policy. Let loose the barrage." He......