20 AUGUST 1927, Page 16


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

Sin,--I write to say how grateful we arc to you for " Crusader's " article about Papworth. Independent testimony of this kind is of the greatest assistance to us and we are always most willing to welcome investigation into every branch of Papworth—medical, industrial and financial.

There is only one-point on which I should like to comment, and that is with regard to Professor Grancher's scheme. " Crusader " says it should be copied all over this country. The difficulty here is that parents will not part with their children ; and that it is a hardship to compel 'a consumptive to part with his or her children. At Papworth this separation is unnecessary, yet all its advantages arc achieved. Therefore I suggest that the Papworth scheme, rather than Professor Grancher's, should be " copied all over our country." With this I think you will agree.

We are endeavouring first of all to increase our accommoda- tion at Papworth ; and then we hope to be instrumental in creating and co-ordinating a number of other Papworths throughout England.—I am, Sir, &c.,