20 AUGUST 1927, page 2

The Motion In The Dail On Tuesday, Which Declared That

the Government no longer retained the confidence of a majority of the members, was moved by Mr. Johnson. It had been regarded as certain that there would be a majority for the......

In The Division There Were 71 Votes For The Motion,

and 71 against. The Speaker then gave his vote for the Government. If Mr. Jinks had voted against the Govern- ment, Mr. Cosgrave would no doubt have resigned. As it is there is......

Mr. Cosgrave Said That His Economic Administration Had...

in two months, yet two months ago Mr. Johnson had been ready to form a coalition with the Government. Mr. Johnson was evidently animated by political rather than economic......

Mr. Johnson Said That His Chief Charge Against The...

was based on its economic policy. The Government had done little to relieve distress. As for the three measures which had been introduced since the murder of Mr. Kevin......

The Declaration Of Repentance Signed Last Year By Trotky,...

and their friends of the Opposition meant so little that (as the Riga correspondent of the Times says) the Opposition is now stronger than ever, Stalin, Bukharin, Rykoff and the......

* * * These Things By No Means Exhaust The

troubles of the Central Committee. Separatist movements are going on in the Ukraine, White Russia, the Caucasus, and even in the " Tartar Republic." The Riga correspondent of......

Mr. Cosgrave, With A Courage Which Has Been Matched By

his skill, has suffered much for the - Oath. He has been unfalteringly loyal. The British Government could not have encouraged, helped and sanctioned the Free State but for......

The Members Of The Soviet Central Committee Are Evidently...

put to it to know how to deal with what is now formally called the " Opposition:" The fact that there is an Opposition, and that it is of some magnitude, a remarkable sign of......