20 AUGUST 1927, Page 2

The motion in the Dail on TueSday, which declared that

the Government no longer retained the confidence of a majority of the members, was moved by Mr. Johnson. It had been regarded as certain that there would be a majority for the motion from the moment when Captain Redmond announced that his party was unanimous in its support. To the surprise of everybody, however, one member of the National League, Mr. John Jinks, did not take part in the division. At the last moment he had changed his mind. There was much more excitement in the streets than in the House, for the debate was really rather dull. We are not sure what mode of political thought was responsible for the carrying in the streets of Union Jacks which bore the legend : " This is not the Union Jack. It is an empty formula." Probably this was Sinn Fein's mordant and scornful criticism of Mr. De Valera. * *