20 AUGUST 1927, Page 23

HEARTSEASE COUNTRY.—By Upton Gray. (Hodder and Stoughton. 78.6d. net.)—That portion

of the story which deals with David Heriot and his successful efforts to become a notable raiser of pedigree cattle is well worth the attention of any reader who cares for the English countryside. The episodes, however, in which the hero, James Sharrard, tries his hand at a mild edition of " The Taming of the Shrew " does not ring true and is not particularly interesting. Anne Heriot, the heroine, is really almost too foolish to be interesting. Certainly the injudicious will of that eminent physician, Sir George Sharrard, should have been enough to wreck his son's happiness for ever, and the happy ending to the story is an act of grace on the part of the author which the personages of the drama had really no right to expect.