20 AUGUST 1927, Page 24

Current Literature

' THE PORT OF LONDON YESTERDAY AND TO-DAY. 'By D. J. Owen. With a Foreword by Lord Ritchie of DundLe. '(Port of London Authority. 7s. 6d.)-Mr. Owen, who is the general manager of the Port of London Authority, gives it short history of the POrt and a compact account of its ',resent condition in this well-printed and finely illustrated volume. Many readers will be surprised to learn that the earliest dock, in the modern sense, was the West India Dock, 'begun in 1800. Thc seventeenth-century Howland Dock at Rotherhithe had no warehouses, but was surrounded with trees to protect it from the wind-a picturesque detail sadly lacking in our modern docks. The work done by the Pert Authority and its projects for the near future are carefully described.