20 AUGUST 1927, Page 24


Office. 7s. 6d. and 3s. net.)-The last bound volume of documents issued by the Reparation Commission contains the English text of the Dawes Reports, the Protocols and decisions of the London Conference of August, 1924, at which the experts' plan was accepted, and also the German laws passed to carry out the plan, i.e., those for the new bank of issue and for the currency, for the new railway company, for the charge on German industry, and for the external loan. With a full' table of contents and an index it makes an excellent book of refer- ence. We have also received the paper-bound volume, XVIA, issued by the Commission. It contains the Reports of the Commissions of the Reichsbank, of the Railways, the Controlled Revenues and Industrial Debentures from September 1st, 1926; to various dates in this year. The reports are, on the whole, more satisfactory than we expected when the Dawes Plan was first put into operation, and they reflect credit alike upon Germany and upon the representatives of the Reparation Commission in Germany. How far it is possible to expect this standard to be achieved year after year, morally or economi- cally, no one can say.