20 AUGUST 1927, Page 24


Toe H. Edited by the Rev. P. B. Clayton. (Longmans. 2s. 6d.)-The second title of this little collection of sermons explains their common aim. They are " Talks on Toc H" and explain the ideals of this now celebrated movement, which is " a religious movement or nothing," inviting men "to spread the gospel without preaching it." Its members need belong to no special denomination, "anybody who worships Christ and wants to follow in his ways may belong to it." All its members promise to give up one evening a week to some form of service- and promise also to treat all Toe H men as brothers. Nevertheless, it !, is not merely an instrument for the diffusion of Christian morals. "For myself," writes Mr. Cyril Pearson in a sermon typical of the group, " if God helps me I will never have to do with any society which simply goes about -diking men to be good. The first Christians never did that. They pointed men to a sacrifice they were unable to share and invited them to join a brotherhood to which they were not fit to belong, and then told them to carry on. That is what Toc H does to-day."