20 JANUARY 1939, Page 23


SIR,—In a Letter to the Editor in your issue of January 6th, Mr. D. W. Douthwaite produces an excerpt from Who's Who to show that a writer whom he describes as " X. Y. Z. " is a " contributor to the Sunday Times (Scrutator), Daily Sketch (Candidus), Daily Telegraph (A Student of Politics)," and he goes on to say, " Everyone who reads these papers knows the vigour with which these three pen-men play for their side in national politics today."

May I suggest to Mr. Douthwaite, first, that he should use up-to-date reference books, and second, that he should read his newspapers more observantly? There has been no contri- bution from " A Student of Politics " in the Daily Telegraph for six years, and when these contributions did appear they were a descriptive account of proceedings in Parliament, and exhibited no vigour in playing for either side.

I do not know whether Mr. Douthwaite in view of these facts will wish to modify his conclusions.—Yours, &c., Fleet Street, London, E.G. 4.

[Our correspondent's reference books were out of date by precisely six days; the 1938 edition of Who's Who supported his statement.—ED. The Spectator.]